[Weekday Ticket] World Sky Residence Hotel
[Weekday Ticket] World Sky Residence Hotel

Hotel information
[Weekday Ticket] World Sky Residence Hotel
- Near Sokcho Jungang Market
- Priority assignment to high floors
- Free parking
regular price₩ 512,000
Tax and service charge included204,000~
₩ 51,000~/night
Room Type

Standard Double (Lake View)1 double bed
For 2 people, 22.0㎡
For 2 people, 22.0㎡
- Note
- Benefits may change after moving in due to government guidelines and hotel operation guidelines/facility issues.
- 호텔 기본 제공 혜택
- Room equipped with refrigerator, microwave, and washing machine
- Only at Living-In-Hotel
- Priority assignment to higher floors (subject to availability)
- Room cleaning service provided 2 times a week
- Early check-in at 1:00 PM and late check-out at 2:00 PM provided for free.
- Parking lot
- Convenience store.
- Hair dryer
- Coffee pot
- Coffee & tea set
- Mug
- Mineral water
- Clothes hanger
- TV
- Refrigerator
- Microwave
- Washing machine
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Soap
- Shampoo
- Body wash
- Conditioner
Notes for uses
- * The price shown includes a 10% tax and service charge.
* This is a product that can only be used for a 4 nights, 5 days stay, with check-in on Monday and check-out on Friday.
* The displayed price is based on the lowest rate and may vary by room type.
Living-In-Hotel User Guide
Contact us
267, Cheongchohoban-ro, Sokcho-si, Gangwon-do