Breathe By Matie

Hotel information
Breathe By Matie
3 StarsHotel
- Priority assignment to high floors
- Welcome drink
- Near Jukdo Beach
regular price₩ 2,178,000
Tax and service charge included870,000~
₩ 113,000~/nightRoom Type

Rise Up Small2 double beds
For 4 people, 46.0㎡
For 4 people, 46.0㎡

Laid Back Small2 double beds
For 4 people, 46.0㎡
For 4 people, 46.0㎡

Rise Up Medium2 double beds, 4 bunk beds
For 8 people, 69.0㎡
For 8 people, 69.0㎡

Laid Back Medium3 double beds
For 6 people, 69.0㎡
For 6 people, 69.0㎡

Laid Back Large3 double beds
For 6 people, 73.0㎡
For 6 people, 73.0㎡

Rise Up X-Large3 double beds, 2 bunk beds
For 8 people, 93.0㎡
For 8 people, 93.0㎡

Penthouse Hang Ten4 double beds
For 8 people, 251㎡
For 8 people, 251㎡
- Note
- Benefits may change after moving in due to government guidelines and hotel operation guidelines/facility issues.
- 호텔 기본 제공 혜택
- Room cleaning service provided daily (partially daily, once every 3 nights for full service)
- Free parking available for one car per room
- High floor room priority assignment
- Free air purifier rental available (one per room if available)
- Complimentary bottled water provided (additional complimentary provision available upon lobby request, based on room occupancy)
- Free use of sauna (up to standard occupancy per room)
- 20% discount on spa services available
- 10% discount at Poi-pu (cafe & pub)
- Guest invitation allowed (based on standard occupancy per room type)
- Discounted brunch available (19,800 → discounted price 17,800 won)
* Prior reservation required on the day before the desired date of use - 20% off Poipusurf is available (but limited to classes)
Benefits by period
- Only at Living-In-Hotel
- Welcome drink coupon for 2 Americanos for stays of 1 week or more (re-provided upon extension of 1 week or more)
- Special breakfast platter provided free of charge for each reservation for stays of 1 week or more (re-provided upon extension of 1 week or more)
- Free microwave rental available for stays of 1 week or more (one per room if available)
- Free use of meeting room for stays of 1 week or more
* Prior reservation required through hotel lobby (may not be available depending on hotel conditions and reservation schedule)
*Meeting room usage time: 9:00 to 18:00 - Additional room cleaning service provided free of charge for stays of 1 week or more
- Complimentary voucher for 1 free use of the 2nd floor spa `Scalp Care` (valued at 50,000 won) (Weekday pass only)
- Parking lot
- Sauna
- Meeting room
- Paid facilities
- The following facilities are subject to an additional charge
- Cafe
- Pub
- Spa
- Edit shop
- Electric car charging station
- Coin washing machine (1st floor of hotel, washable and dry)
- Bed
- Sofa
- Table
- Sunbad
- TV
- Refrigerator
- Air Conditioner
- Dryer
- Speaker
- Mug Cup
- Coffee Pot
- Tea Set
- ShowerGown
- Slipper
- Amenity
- Coffee Pot
- Dyson Hairdryer (Penthouse)
- Induction (Penthouse)
- Wine Seller (Penthouse)
- Oven Range (Penthouse)
- Capsule Coffee Machine (Penthouse)
- Private Swimming Pool (Penthouse)
- Sauna (Penthouse)
- Fireplace (Penthouse)
- Abeda Amenity (Penthouse)
- Public microwave (1st floor of hotel)
Notes for uses
- The price shown includes a 10% tax and service charge. The displayed price is based on the lowest rate and may vary by room type.
Living-In-Hotel User Guide
Contact us
17 Inguhanggil, Hyunnam-myeon, Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do.